![]() |
ac Small-Signal
Frequency Analysis
Format: | ac [dec] [oct] [lin] np fstart fstop |
Special Requirement: | The AC analysis requires at least one voltage or current source in the circuit to have the AC magval (magnitude value) stimulus. For example: V1 1 0 AC 1 |
Examples: |
ac dec 10 1 10K |
alias - generate an alias
name for a vector
alias name vector or vector
alias vout v(8) |
An alias is used to give node voltages, instance current and power meaningful names. Schematic test points will create the correct alias syntax, equating the test point name with the correct quantity. Unalias is used to remove an alias. If the secod argument is an alias, its underlying vector is retrieved. You can use this feature to save vecor names for plotf. |
append - appends one
vector to another
append tovec fromvec
append bigvec vec |
Takes one vector and appends it to another one. |
break - break from a loop
Example: |
repeat 100 |
If there is a while, dowhile, or repeat block enclosing this statement, control passes out of the block. |
copy - re-scale the current plot
and copy the named vector
copy plot.vector
Example: |
copy other.default |
Copy is used to bring a vector from another plot into
the current plot and make it have a compatible scale. First, the current
plot scale is combined with the other plots scale and all vectors in the
current plot are interpolated to fit the new scale. The named vector is
then interpolated the copied vector is named uniquely by appending it
plot name, in the example tran2.v(5) would be v(5)#tran2 in the current
plot. If the default keyword is used, nothing is copied but the current
plot is re-scaled. See also newplot
and for more information see plots and vectors. |
copytodoc - copies a trace from
the current graph to another graph
copy plot.vector
Example: |
copy other.default |
Copy is used to bring a vector from another plot into
the current plot and make it have a compatible scale. First, the current
plot scale is combined with the other plots scale and all vectors in the
current plot are interpolated to fit the new scale. The named vector is
then interpolated the copied vector is named uniquely by appending it
plot name, in the example tran2.v(5) would be v(5)#tran2 in the current
plot. If the default keyword is used, nothing is copied but the current
plot is re-scaled. See also newplot
and for more information see plots and vectors. |
dc - DC Sweep Analysis
dc src start stop del [src2
start2 stop2 del2]
Examples: |
dc VIN 0.25 5.0 0.25
The dc command is a special subset of IsSpice4's DC analysis features.
It is used to perform a series of DC operating points by sweeping voltage
and/or current sources and performing a DC operating point at each step
value of the source(s). At each step, voltages, currents, and a variety
of device/model parameters can be recorded. Syntax: The dc command defines the source to be swept and the sweep limits. Src is the name of an independent voltage or current source that will be swept. Start, stop, and del are the starting, final, and incrementing values, respectively. The first example will cause the value of the voltage source VIN to be swept from 0.25 Volts to 5.0 Volts in increments of 0.25 Volts. A second source (src2) may optionally be specified with associated sweep parameters (second example). In this case, the first source, VDS, will be swept over its range for each value of the second source, VGS. The dc command overrides any DC voltage specified
in the actual voltage/current source statement. The DC voltage on the
V or I line will be used during the AC and Transient analyses. But when
the DC sweep is run, the values specified in the dc command will prevail. |
delete - destroy a breakpoint
delete [all] or [number]
Deletes the specified breakpoint. Each breakpoint is assigned a unique number. These numbers can be found by using the status command. Use the stop command to set breakpoints. |
destroy - destroys a plot
Format: | destroy [all] [plotname] |
destroy plotname |
Destroys the named plots or the current plot if there is no argument. The all keyword is permitted. | |
destroyvec - deletes a waveform
Format: | destroyvec [[plotname.]vecname] ... |
Examples: | destroyvec destroyvec plot1.v(1) destroyvec w1 w2 d |
The active trace in the active plot is deleted. |
Deletes the specified waveform trace or traces from the current graph document. If no traces are specified, the current trace in the active plot is deleted. If no plot is specified, either explicitly with a plot-name prefix, or implicitly by using the w<n> notation, the trace must be in the active plot. Traces deleted using this command may be restored manally, by selecting "Undo" from the File menu. | |
diff - compare vectors from different
Format: | diff plotname1 plotname2 [vector] |
diff tran1 tran2 v(8) |
Compares all vectors in the specified plots, or the vectors given, and if significant differences are found the differences are reported. The diff_abstol, diff_reltol, and diff_vntol variables are used to quantize the significant difference. The plots should have identical scales ( x-axis). Scales can be made the same using the copy command or the linearize command. | |
display - list active vectors
Format: | display [vector] |
display |
Prints a summary of the currently
defined vectors, or of the vector(s) specified. The vectors are sorted by
name unless the variable nosort is set. The summary contains the name, the
length. The type, and whether it is a real or complex vector. One vector
is label scale. This vector is used as the x axis scale when needed. See
the setplot command to gain access to vector in other plots. |
disto - Small-Signal Distortion
Format: | disto [dec] [oct] [lin] np fstart
fstop + [f2overf1] |
disto dec 10 1kHz 100MHz
Special Requirement: The distortion analysis requires at least one voltage or current source in the circuit to have either the DISTOF1 or DISTOF2 keywords, or both. If the DISTOF1 or DISTOF2 keywords are missing from the description of an independent source, then that source is assumed to have no input at the corresponding frequency. The default values of the magnitude and phase are 1.0 and 0.0 degrees, respectively. At least one source in the circuit must have the DISTOF# stimulus in order to give the analysis meaning. For example: V1 1 0 DISTOF1 1 DISTOF2 0.01. | |
See the IsSpice4 help for more information. |
dowhile - control loop
Format: |
dowhile condition |
view tran v(3)
Note: Condition can be enclosed in parenthesis. | |
The dowhile is functionally identical to the while loop. The difference is that the commands inside the loop are processed prior to the test of condition. See also while, break, repeat. | |
echo - place text in the output
Format: |
echo [-n | -u | -nu | -un] text string |
echo This is the sensitivity information |
Places the text given on the left into the output file for the given simulation. Text is left justified and ends with a new line unless the -n option is used. The -u option makes the text upper case. | |
end - end of a loop or condition
Format: |
end |
while n > 5
Terminate a loop or conditional clause. See also while, dowhile, repeat , if else | |
errorstop - send error to task
Format: |
errorstop program ID |
while n > 5
Halts a remote script on errors and sends the error message to the designated process. This should be used in connection with the automation interface of a remote process that connects to IsSpice4 using an ICL script. |
fftinit initialize the
FFT sin/cos table and plot space
Format: |
fftinit radix |
Attaches a time and frequency plot to the active plot. The number of points in these plots is set to 2^radix. The plots names have a "_f" suffix for frequency and a "_t" suffix for time. The frequency plot contains complex data; to plot the complex data, you should make and plot real vectors as shown in the example. See also timetofreq and freqtotime. Only one FFT radix is available for each plot. You can attach a different FFT radix to any other plot. The radix must be in the range of 3 (8points) to 25 (33.5 million points). You will need about 100Megs of RAM available for radix=20 (1million points) to keep from paging to your hard drive. | |
filter - smoothes a vector
Format: |
filter vector numpoints |
filter v(32) 100 |
Filters a vector by numpoints using a triangular shaped weighted average. The triangle collapses at the endpoints. The base of the triangle is numpoints wide. | |
foreach - loop for each value
Format: |
foreach var val1 val2 ... |
foreach r1 10 20 30
Perform the instruction within the loop for each value given. | |
fourier - Fourier analysis
Format: |
fourier fundamental vector1... vectorn |
fourier 10Meg v(8) v(7) i(vm1) |
The Fourier analysis is similar in functionality to
the .FOUR command. It performs a Fourier analysis for each of the given
values using the first 10 multiples of the fundamental requested. The
vectors may be any saved vector or expression. Output is interpolated
onto a fixed-space grid with the number of points given by the variable
fourgridsize (default=200). The degree of interpolation is set by the
polydegree variable (default=1). If polydegree is set to 0 no interpolation
is performed. The number of harmonics displayed is determined by the nfreqs
variable (default=10). All of the variables can be altered with the set
command. The output is tabulated in the output file. Errors: An error
message similar to "Wavelength longer than time span" will be
generated it the transient analysis does not collect more than 1/freq
data points. |
freqtotime - performs an FFT from
frequency to time
Format: |
freqtotime vector |
freqtotime data |
Performs a fourier transform from frequency to time. If the plot hasn't been initialized using fftinit, it will set a default radix of 12, or 4096 points. See also fftinit and timetofreq. | |
function - define a function
Format: |
function function_name(args) expression |
function max(x,y) (x > y) * x + (x
<= y) * y |
Defines a reusable function. The function can be used in any expression, for example, let test = max(v(8),v(3)). | |
functionundef - undefine a function
Format: |
functionundef [func_name] |
functionundef max |
Deletes a user-defined function. | |
goto - perform a jump
Format: |
goto word |
goto finish |
When a goto command is encountered
control is transferred to the label word
referenced by the goto command. You may jump out of a loop; however, it
is illegal to jump into a loop. |
homecursors - initial cursors
to the scale endpoints
Format: |
homecursors ['view'] |
homecursors" or "homecursors view" |
Purpose: Cursors 0 and 1 are respectively set either to the first and last data point in the default scale, or to the left and right side of the currently displayed graph plot. Remarks: If the optional parameter "view" is included, the cursors are set to the left and right sides of the plot. If there is no parameter, the cursors are set to the first and last data points. Scope Icon: The "view" parameter can only be used in Scope5. |
if - then - else - making a decision
Format: | if
condition commands else commands end |
if a > b
Note: | Condition can be enclosed in parenthesis,
for example: if(X>1) |
The else term and condition is optional. The if must be balanced with an end. |
isdisplayed <plotName>.<vecName> |
if isdisplayed (nv) |
Returns 1 if the argument is the name of a vector that is currently displayed as a trace in Scope, otherwise 0. If the argument is a simple vector name, the currently active plot is searched. If the argument is a plot name, vector name combination, for example, <plotName>.<vecName>, the specified plot is searched. | |
This symbol indicates that the script command is also
used in IntuScope 5.